Bug reports are welcome; however, in order to be useful they must be detailed. The information I need to work out what went wrong is as follows:
Which version of SlashMUD X crashed. If this isn't the latest version, then grab the latest version from the Downloads page and email me if this doesn't solve the problem.
Which model Mac was being used (e.g. MacBook Pro, iMac).
Which version of OS X was being used (e.g. 10.4.11, 10.5.2).
If the crash only occurs in an area/with a monster you made, then include a copy of the file and tell me which room/monster/thing you think causes the crash.
Include a copy of the 'audit.log' file that SlashMUD X creates.
The best bug reports also include a backtrace generated by GDB. To get one of these suckers, run the server under the control of GDB (there's a script called debug_slashmudx.sh that does this) and type 'bt' when the server crashes. Include the output from this command in your bug report.
Bug reports should be reported to the slashmud-general mailing list.