SlashMUD has three mailing lists running at SourceForge. These lists are my preferred way of discussing anything to do with SlashMUD. Please raise any questions, comments or bug reports on the slashmud-general list.
When you subscribe it would be great if you would send a brief email about yourself to the list: name, experience with MUDs, type of Mac you're planning to use SlashMUD on, programming experience (if subscribing to slashmud-developers), etc.
This list is for new version announcements only.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to the SlashMUD Announce list, visit the web page at
This list is for everyone. Use it for general discussion about things like making rooms, weapons, armours, advertising IP addresses for servers running SlashMUD, and other SlashMUD related topics.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to the SlashMUD-General list, visit the web page at
This list is for those people who are working on plugins and/or working with the source code, and will also deal with any programming issues that arise from either of these. I'm assuming a reasonable level of programming ability on this list. If you subscribe to this list you should also subscribe to slashmud-announce and possibly slashmud-general.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to the SlashMUD-Developers list, visit the web page at
About the lists
For information on how to use the mailing lists, visit