Please note that SlashMUD is pre-release software. This means that it may still contain defects.
By downloading this software you are acknowledging that you are familiar with the potential risks involved in testing pre-release software, and accept all responsibility for the consequences of using SlashMUD.
This package... | ...includes these components: |
![]() Server Package |
SlashMUD X Preview 5 Update 1 for end-users. Includes debug and build versions of the server and plugins. Universal Binary. (11.4 MiB) Download compressed Disk Image. MD5 (slashmudx-1.0-preview-5u1.dmg) = 11c22ae88f4f4aa47ec9d608ba692a1a |
SlashMUD Mailing Lists
There are three SlashMUD mailing lists: SlashMUD-Announce, SlashMUD-General and SlashMUD-Developers. SlashMUD-General is for anyone who is running the Server, writing areas and other general SlashMUD questions. SlashMUD-Developers is for those people interested in writing Plugins and/or working with the source code. SlashMUD-Announce is used for version announcements. If you are interested in subscribing to the SlashMUD mailing lists then check out the subscription information.
General Information
The SlashMUD source code is distributed under the terms of the Open Source BSD Licence. Summary: you can do pretty much anything you like with the Server and its source, but if you modify the Server and redistribute it then you can't call it SlashMUD.
Be aware that SlashMUD is still being actively developed, and the source code can and does change dramatically between releases. In addition to fixing bugs and adding features, the urge to rewrite huge sections of code occasionally seizes me.
The source code is developed using standard Unix tools, including flex, bison and make. On a Mac OS X system you'll need to have the Developer Tools and BSD Subsystem installed.
Source Code
The source code is available by anonymous CVS from Sourceforge.
There are three modules in CVS:
The libraries module contains general purpose source code used by the server. It tends to change much less often than the code in the slashmudx directory.
The slashmudx module contains the source code for the server and plugins, but does not include the world files that come with the binary releases. You can either write all your own world files (areas, armours, clans, classes, currencies, races, weapons, etc.) or you can check out the auxiliary module.
The auxiliary module contains world files: all the extra bits and pieces that are needed to run the server (sample area files, class files, race files, object files etc.). The end-user releases are made by combining the server binary (slashmudx) and plugin binaries from the slashmudx module with the world files in the auxiliary module.